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Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

R&D Systems, part of Bio-Techne | Catalog # DY306

R&D Systems, part of Bio-Techne
Catalog #
Size / Price

Ancillary Products Available

Key Product Details

Assay Type

Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA

Assay Range

31.3-2000 pg/mL

Sample Type

Cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma
Note: Diluents for complex matrices, such as serum and plasma, should be evaluated prior to use in this DuoSet



Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA Features

  • Optimized capture and detection antibody pairings with recommended concentrations save lengthy development time
  • Development protocols are provided to guide further assay optimization
  • Assay can be customized to your specific needs
  • Economical alternative to complete kits

Product Summary for Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

This DuoSet ELISA Development kit contains the basic components required for the development of sandwich ELISAs to measure natural and recombinant goat Interleukin 6 (IL-6). The suggested diluent is suitable for the analysis of most cell culture supernate samples. Diluents for complex matrices, such as serum and plasma, should be evaluated prior to use in this DuoSet.

Product Specifications

Assay Format

96-well strip plate (sold separately)

Detection Method

Colorimetric ELISA - 450nm (TMB)





Scientific Data Images for Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

Goat IL-6 ELISA DuoSet

Goat IL-6 ELISA DuoSet

Kit Contents for Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

  • Capture Antibody
  • Detection Antibody
  • Recombinant Standard
  • Streptavidin conjugated to horseradish-peroxidase (Streptavidin-HRP)

Other Reagents Required

DuoSet Ancillary Reagent Kit 2 (5 plates): (Catalog # DY008) containing 96 well microplates, plate sealers, substrate solution, stop solution, plate coating buffer (PBS), wash buffer, and Reagent Diluent Concentrate 2.

The components listed above may be purchased separately:

PBS: (Catalog # DY006), or 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4, 1.5 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.2 - 7.4, 0.2 µm filtered

Wash Buffer: (Catalog # WA126), or 0.05% Tween® 20 in PBS, pH 7.2-7.4

Reagent Diluent: (Catalog # DY995), or 1% BSA in PBS, pH 7.2-7.4, 0.2 µm filtered

Substrate Solution: 1:1 mixture of Color Reagent A (H2O2) and Color Reagent B (Tetramethylbenzidine) (Catalog # DY999)

Stop Solution: 2 N H2SO4 (Catalog # DY994)

Microplates: R&D Systems (Catalog # DY990)

Plate Sealers: ELISA Plate Sealers (Catalog # DY992)

Preparation and Storage


The product is shipped at ambient temperature. Upon receipt, store it immediately at the temperature recommended below.

Stability & Storage

Store the unopened product at 2 - 8 °C. Do not use past expiration date.

Background: IL-6

Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic, alpha-helical, 22-28 kDa phosphorylated and variably glycosylated cytokine that plays important roles in the acute phase reaction, inflammation, hematopoiesis, bone metabolism, and cancer progression (1-5). Alternative splicing generates several isoforms with internal deletions, some of which exhibit antagonistic properties (7-10). Cells known to express IL-6 include CD8+ T cells, fibroblasts, synoviocytes, adipocytes, osteoblasts, megakaryocytes, endothelial cells (under the influence of endothelins), sympathetic neurons, cerebral cortex neurons, adrenal medulla chromaffin cells, retinal pigment cells, mast cells, keratinocytes, Langerhans cells, fetal and adult astrocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, colonic epithelial cells, B1 B cells and pancreatic islet beta cells (2, 11-33). IL-6 production is generally correlated with cell activation and is normally kept in control by glucocorticoids, catecholamines, and secondary sex steroids (2). 
IL-6 induces signaling through a cell surface heterodimeric receptor complex composed of a ligand binding subunit (IL-6 R alpha) and a signal transducing subunit (gp130). IL-6 binds to IL-6 R alpha, triggering IL-6 R alpha association with gp130 and gp130 dimerization (39). gp130 is also a component of the receptors for CLC, CNTF, CT-1, IL-11, IL-27, LIF, and OSM (40). Soluble forms of IL-6 R alpha are generated by both alternative splicing and proteolytic cleavage (5). In a mechanism known as trans-signaling, complexes of soluble IL-6 and IL-6 R alpha elicit responses from gp130- expressing cells that lack cell surface IL-6 R alpha (5). Trans-signaling enables a wider range of cell types to respond to IL-6, as the expression of gp130 is ubiquitous, while that of IL-6 R alpha is predominantly restricted to hepatocytes, monocytes, and resting lymphocytes (2, 5). Soluble splice forms of gp130 block trans-signaling from IL-6/IL-6 R alpha but not from other cytokines that use gp130 as a co-receptor (5, 41).
IL-6, along with TNF-alpha and IL-1, drives the acute inflammatory response. IL-6 is almost solely responsible for fever and the acute phase response in the liver, and it is important in the transition from acute inflammation to either acquired immunity or chronic inflammatory disease (1-5). When dysregulated, it contributes to chronic inflammation in conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and sepsis (2, 5). IL-6 modulates bone resorption and is a major effector of inflammatory joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis through its promotion of Th17 cell development and activity (1). It contributes to atherosclerotic plaque development and destabilization as well as the development of inflammation-associated carcinogenesis (1, 2). IL-6 can also function as an anti-inflammatory molecule, as in skeletal muscle where it is secreted in response to exercise (2). In addition, it enhances hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and the differentiation of memory B cells and plasma cells (42).

Long Name

Interleukin 6

Alternate Names


Entrez Gene IDs

3569 (Human); 16193 (Mouse); 24498 (Rat); 399500 (Porcine); 280826 (Bovine); 403985 (Canine); 102138971 (Cynomolgus Monkey); 100034196 (Equine); 493687 (Feline); 463288 (Primate); 100008733 (Rabbit)

Gene Symbol


Additional IL-6 Products

Product Documents for Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

Certificate of Analysis

To download a Certificate of Analysis, please enter a lot number in the search box below.

Note: Certificate of Analysis not available for kit components.

Product Specific Notices for Goat IL-6 DuoSet ELISA

For research use only
