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Compass for Simple Western

Automate, Quantitate, Validate

Simple Western™ instrument software Compass for Simple Western analyzes Simple Western Size or Charge assay data and processes the results for you. And it's got all the 21 CFR Part 11 compliance tools you need with the new Compass Authorization Server v3.0.0 (more details below).

Quantitative analysis for each protein or isoform is done automatically so you can truly be hands-free. Data can be displayed in a lane view, graph view, or as a digital capillary image. Want to share your results and transfer your assay? No problem. Compass for Simple Western Software's export feature makes this as easy as a click of a button.

Compass software v6.3 or higher for Jess™, Abby™, and Wes™ or v5.0  for NanoPro™ 1000, Peggy Sue™, or Sally Sue™ will make your research easier and data analysis simpler. Some features highlights include:

Simple Western Instruments - Jess & Peggy Sue Hero
  • NEW: Manual Adjustments for Protein Normalization (for v6.3 or higher). Manually adjust the baseline with start and end pixel position for greater flexibility in generating normalized data.
  • NEW: Manual Peak Integration (for v6.2 or higher). Manually adjust the start and end of peak boundaries in the Graph View for more accurate quantitative results.
  • NEW: Lane View Annotations Pane (for v6.0 or higher). Create annotated figures of the Compass Lane view for use in presentations and publications, saving you the hours it would take to manually annotate data using other programs.
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) Detection Profile. This feature expands the dynamic range 100 times in Jess, Abby, Wes, Peggy Sue, Sally Sue, and NanoPro 1000 thanks to a more effective algorithm to create the High Dynamic Range multi-image analysis, refresh substrate from the assay plate prior to each exposure (requires an updated embedded). Read more on HDR image analysis.
  • Save even more sample. You can load only 3 µL of sample/well, a 40% reduction when you can't afford to waste precious samples. Read how to utilize limited samples.
  • Reports: Export reports as .pdf files. Choose from a list that includes plate layout, sample peaks, images and much more.
  • Multiple Exposure View: A Graph Option, it overlays all the chemiluminescence exposure times acquired for a particular run and can be used to spot potential signal burnout.
  • Lane Contrast Tool: Now part of the Analysis Settings, it can be locked to user-defined white and black levels. Once saved, the lane contrast setting can be exported and applied to other assays or runs.

Size-Based Protein Analysis

  • Proteins are displayed as bands in a lane view similar to what you would see in a traditional Western.
  • Rolling over a band will reveal its protein-specific information. Molecular weight and other relevant data are reported in a concise data table that you can easily export.
Simple Western Compass Size Assay Lane View

Lane Annotation

  • Create a publication or presentation lane view figure using annotation tools.
  • Adjust the lane order and displayed molecular weight, stack multiple channel views, merge lane labels and control where they are located, and add additional label groups to add treatment or time-course information.
Multiplexing with Jess Compass Software Lane View

Charge-Based Protein Analysis

  • Proteins can also be displayed as an electropherogram in graph view and data for multiple samples can be overlaid. Peaks are automatically defined by name or pI.
  • Rolling over the peak will reveal its protein-specific information. Quantitative distributions of detected isoforms are reported.
Simple Western Compass Charge Assay Graph View

21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

The Compass Access Control feature has been updated! The new Compass Authorization Server v3.0 can be used to help satisfy the 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and data security requirements when using Simple Western instruments. When Access Control is enabled and the new Authorization Server has been installed:

  • NEW: Password policy settings control multiple aspects of password requirements including days valid, required characters, number of login attempts, length, and previous passwords to compare to.
  • NEW: The default admin user is now a member of a new Administrator group and can log in to Compass.
  • NEW: Audit Trail records all Authorization Server events including successful and failed log in attempts.
  • NEW: Includes support for Windows logins using the LDAP interface.
  • NEW: Database has added encryption.
  • Users are required to log in to Compass when the protein analysis software is launched
  • A history of all actions is maintained
  • Data files are signed and encrypted to prevent unauthorized changes (e.g., all files are controlled)
  • Each instrument maintains a history of user commands
  • Each assay and data file includes a history of signed changes to the file
FDA 1 CFR Part 11 Compliant Tools