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Webinar: Introducing Stellar: High-Sensitivity Fluorescence Multiplexing for Western Workflows

Webinar Summary

What is Simple Western?

Simple Western™ from ProteinSimple, a Bio-Techne brand, is a rapidly growing protein analytical platform that automates the detection and quantification of low abundance proteins in complex samples. As a fully automated capillary-based immunoassay housed entirely in a benchtop instrument, Simple Western overcomes the well-known limitations of traditional Western blotting while providing unparalleled flexibility for protein analysis.

Simple Western is equipped with multichannel immunodetection using standard Western blot antibodies in chemiluminescence, infrared (IR), and near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence channels, enabling channel-based and size-based multiplex protein characterization. Simple Western also offers RePlex™ which performs two serial immunoassays in the same capillary to detect even more protein targets or to normalize expression data by total protein content, which is proven to be more reliable than the use of housekeeping controls. With these advantages, Simple Western users get the most data out of tiny sample volumes (as little as 3 μL) with quick time to results (as little as 3 hours). Featured in hundreds of scientific publications and counting, Simple Western is a proven technology that not only streamlines workflows, but also generates quantitative, reproducible, and publication-ready results that raise the bar on scientific rigor in protein analysis.

Stellar: Industry-Leading Fluorescence Sensitivity for Western Blot Analysis

As the flagship of the Simple Western product line, Jess™ provides users with the most flexibility in protein detection with sensitive chemiluminescence and NIR/IR fluorescence channels. Now NIR/IR fluorescence detection on Jess is even better with Stellar™ NIR/IR Detection Modules, which provides industry-leading fluorescence sensitivity at detection levels below 1 pg, along with excellent reproducibility and a 4-log dynamic range. With this leap in sensitivity, Stellar fluorescence detection rivals the widely recognized sensitivity of chemiluminescence detection and demolishes the fluorescence detection of the closest competing traditional Western blot imaging technology, which requires at least 50 pg.

About this Webinar

In this webinar, learn how scientists at Aurelia Bioscience and The University of Miami used new Stellar NIR/IR modules for Simple Western’s Jess system to detect proteins at low concentrations and multiplex targets. First, Dr. Jessica Dermody, Director of R&D Science at ProteinSimple, will provide an overview of Simple Western and Stellar technology. Then, Kathy Dodgson, director of biology and operations at Aurelia Bioscience, and Dr. Marlise L. Guerrero Schimpf, a postdoctoral associate at the University of Miami School of Medicine, will describe their experience using this breakthrough technology and how it has improved the data quality and sensitivity of their traditional Western blotting workflows. 

In this Webinar:

  • Learn about industry-leading fluorescence detection sensitivity for Western workflows introduced through the Stellar NIR/IR modules.
  • Hear how researchers in academia and industry labs have used these modules to improve their multiplexing strategies.
  • See how fluorescence detection sensitivity using Stellar for Jess compares with Jess’s high-sensitivity chemiluminescent detection and traditional Western blot technology.