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Webinar: Unlocking the potential of Long-COVID-19: Developing a Diagnostic Test

Webinar Summary

Hear Alexandre Lucas and Benjamin Charvet discuss the development of a laboratory-developed test on the Simple Western platform for the detection of HERV-W-ENV protein, which is involved in pathologies such as multiple sclerosis and COVID-19. Denaturation to expose the antigen makes HERV-W-ENV undetectable with ELISA but has robust, reproducible quantitation on Simple Western. Developed by a partnership between Geneuro and We-Met, the test is currently being used in a Phase 2 Long COVID clinical trial.

This webinar shares the experience of bringing the immunoassay from pre-clinical to clinical development, based on the guidelines of the European Medicines Agency, and discusses the ongoing optimization phase to eventually industrialize the test.



Alexandre Lucas, Ph.D.
Founder and Manager, We-Met at I2MC

Alexandre is the founder and manager of the We-Met platform and a specialist in protein biochemistry. He manages the platform and is responsible for various training courses and developments. He started in 2005 at Inserm in Chatenay-Malabry in cardiac signaling and then joined the I2MC in 2010. He then founded the We-Met platform in 2015.


Benjamin Charvet, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Geneuro

Benjamin is the senior scientist in charge of the preclinical research and development lead by Geneuro company. Geneuro develops therapeutic antibodies directed against the Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs), which are shown to be involved in various autoimmune disease and more recently in COVID-19.