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Chemokine Receptor Antagonists Products

30 results for "Chemokine Receptor Antagonists" in Products

Chemokine Receptor Antagonists Products

30 results for "Chemokine Receptor Antagonists" in Products

Highly selective CCR2 chemokine receptor antagonist

CCR2b chemokine receptor antagonist

Potent and selective CCR5 and CCR2 chemokine receptor antagonist

Potent CCR1 chemokine receptor antagonist

Potent CXCR4 antagonist

Highly selective CXCR4 antagonist

Selective CCR5 antagonist

CXCR3 antagonist; inhibits cell migration and metastasis

Potent and selective CCR3 antagonist

Potent and selective CXCR3 antagonist

Potent CXCR2 antagonist

Potent and selective CXCR4 antagonist

Potent and selective CXCR2 antagonist

CXCR4 antagonist; ACKR3 (CXCR7) agonist

Potent and selective CCR4 antagonist

High affinity, potent CCR2 antagonist

Selective CCR1 antagonist

Potent CCR1 and CCR3 antagonist

Potent CXCR2 antagonist

Potent CXCR2 antagonist

CX3CR1 antagonist

Potent and selective CCR10 antagonist

Potent CCR4 antagonist

Potent and selective hCXCR6 antagonist

CXCR4 antagonist; antitumor

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5 10 25 50
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