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Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

Voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV) are accountable for potentially initiating and propagating excitable cells, including nerve, muscle, and neuroendocrine cell types. These can also be expressed at low levels in non-excitable cells, but their physiological role is unclear.

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3 results for "Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

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Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

Voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV) are accountable for potentially initiating and propagating excitable cells, including nerve, muscle, and neuroendocrine cell types. These can also be expressed at low levels in non-excitable cells, but their physiological role is unclear.

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3 results for "Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

Inhibitor of neuronal NaV channels; anticonvulsant

Anticonvulsant; inhibits Na+ channel activity

Active metabolite of oxcarbazepine (Cat. No. 3864)

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