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Traditional Western Blot

Primary Antibodies 

The success of a Western blot experiment depends on having reliable antibodies validated for Western blot. Bio-Techne's Western blot antibody portfolio includes top-cited monoclonal and recombinant primary antibodies backed by our 100% guarantee

Featured Western Blot Primary Antibodies

Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) Conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Conjugated Blue Marker Antibody Epitope Tag Antibodies
Knockout (KO) Validated Loading Controls Recombinant Monoclonal  Simple Western Validated 


Western Blot Primary Antibodies by Species

Anti-Human  Anti-Mouse  Anti-Rat Anti-Bovine 


Secondary Antibodies & Detection

Bio-Techne offers enzyme- and fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibodies for use in Western blot experiments. Although enzyme-conjugated secondary antibodies, such as HRP conjugates, are often used in conjunction with chemiluminescence detection and allow for the sensitive detection (low picogram) of antigens, fluorescence-based detection methods have improved signal stability and allow for simultaneous detection of multiple proteins. In fluorescence detection a fluorophore-conjugated antibody directly emits a detectable single, whereas in both chemiluminescent or chromogenic detection the process relies on an enzyme-conjugated antibody plus the addition of a substrate or detection reagent.

Common Conjugated Secondary Antibodies for Western Blot

AP (enzymatic) Biotin (enzymatic) HRP (enzymatic) Allophycocyanin (APC)/Cy7 
DyLight 488 DyLight 550 DyLight 650 DyLight 755
FITC Janelia Fluor 549 Janelia Fluor 646 NL493
NL557 PE/Cy5.5 PE/Cy7  


Protocols for Traditional Western Blot

Western Blot Controls  

Controls are vital for Western blot analysis to validate the specificity of protein bands and/or to uncover the root cause of any issues. Bio-Techne provides a range of controls to ensure Western blot success.

Control Lysates Over-expression Lysates Tissue Lysates Blocking Peptides and Proteins
Loading Controls       


Other Western Blotting Support Products 

In addition to antibodies and lysate controls, Bio-Techne also offers an assortment of other support products to aid Western blot success, including an HRP stabilizer, sub-cellular fractionation kits, protein ladders, and Western blot membranes.


Western Blot Support Products

HRP Stabilizer Ponceau S Staining solution PBS Buffer Tablets  RunBlue Prestained Molecular-Weight Marker- Tri colour
Recombinant Unstained Protein Ladder  Recombinant Western Blot Protein Standards  Sub-cellular Fractionation Kits  Western Blot Membranes 
Peptide Inhibitors Other Support Products    


Simple Western™ 自动化蛋白质印迹系统

众所周知,蛋白质印迹法劳心费力,难以进行。为了克服传统蛋白质印迹法的难题,来自 Bio-Techne 旗下品牌 ProteinSimple 的 Simple Western 提供全自动毛细管蛋白质印迹分析。蛋白质印迹技术中传统进行的步骤如分离、固定、洗涤和检测在台式毛细管电泳仪内部可自动执行完成。

  • Simple Western 提供高通量蛋白质印迹分析,仅 3 小时内就获得多达 25 份样本的全定量结果,或过夜获得 96 份样本的全定量结果。
  • 借助 Jess™ 上的 Stellar™ 模块,Simple Western 用户获享业界领先的近红外/红外 (NIR/IR) 荧光检测灵敏度。
  • Simple Western 用 RePlex™替代传统蛋白质印迹检测中洗膜及重新上抗体检测,去除了第一轮检测的抗体,用新鲜抗体进行第二轮检测或总蛋白归一化

Jess 上的 Simple Western 对比传统蛋白质印迹

现在,您可用 Milo™ 在单细胞中进行蛋白质印迹分析

对单细胞蛋白质组学感兴趣? Milo™ 是我公司在单次运行中测量约 1,000 个单细胞中蛋白质表达的 Single-Cell 蛋白质印迹技术平台。借助全球首项 Single-Cell 蛋白质印迹技术 Milo,验证您的 RNAseq 数据、分析流式细胞荧光分选技术 (FACS) 所分选的细胞并深入了解单细胞蛋白质组学。



这份来自 Novus Biologicals 的分步讲解式蛋白质印迹指南是一份出色的蛋白质印迹法介绍。它提供详细信息,供您了解、进行蛋白质印迹实验以及其解决问题。





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