Immunohistochemistry Frozen Troubleshooting
No Signal | Background | Sectioning Tissue
The following troubleshooting guide is intended to explain causes and possible solutions for common problems observed in immunohistochemistry frozen (IHC-Fr) staining, need more help please contact us.
No Signal
Antibody Application
- Increase the concentration or incubation time of the primary or secondary antibody.
Tissue Fixation
- Over fixation can cause epitope masking. Decrease the time or concentration of the fixative.
Antibody compatibility
- Confirm that your primary and secondary antibodies are compatible by checking the species reactivity.
- Confirm the antibody can be used for assays in which the protein is in its native conformation.
- Ensure that the secondary is working and compatible with your primary.
- Use 0.5-1.0% Triton detergent in the buffers in order to allow full permeabilization of antibody and buffers into the tissue sections.
Microscope Adjustments (Fluorescence)
- Increase the exposure time of your camera.
Antibody Concentration
- Decrease the concentration of the primary/secondary antibody.
- The species of the blocking serum should be the same as the host of the secondary antibody e.g. use goat serum for blocking if your assay involves goat anti-mouse secondary.
- Increase the incubation time or concentration of serum in the blocking buffer.
Antibody Application
- Always incubate primary antibodies overnight at 4° C. Room temperature incubation increases unspecific binding and causes higher background.
- Confirm that the secondary is not crossreacting with the cells by performing the assay without the primary.
DAB Reaction
- Do not overexpose the DAB reaction. Rinse DAB off slides sooner.
- Endogenous peroxidases are activating the reaction. Quench with hydrogen peroxide.
ABC Method
- Endogenous biotin is activating the complex. Block with avidin/biotin blocking kit.
Cells Drying
- Fluorescent signal will be lost if the cells are allowed to dry. Ring coverslips with nail polish.
Microscope Adjustments (Fluorescence)
- Increase the exposure time of your camera.
Spectral Overlap (Fluorescence)
- If double or triple labeling the cells, confirm that the secondary antibody fluorochromes do not overlap into the same spectral range.
- Increase the amount of washes. Add very gentle agitation to the plates.
Sectioning Tissue
Holes in the tissue
- Ensure the blade is adequately sharp. Adjust the cutting speed. Perfuse at a lower rate.
Tissue Curling
- Decrease the temperature of the cryostat or open cryostat lid more. Cut thicker sections.
Tissue Falling Off Slides
- Use coated slides. Place slides in covered dish with a small amount of 16% formaldehyde on the bottom to fix the tissues to the slides. Be gentle when using an antigen retrieval method and avoid heavy agitation of the slides.