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Want to Simplify your Phospho-Flow Signaling Studies?

Are your phospho-flow or signaling assays challenging to implement? Do some of your phospho-protein targets lack good flow/FACS antibodies?


Milo chemically lyses cells before analysis so you can easily access protein epitopes that can be challenging to access with intact cells using flow cytometry or FACS analyzers. Histone modifications, ribosomal proteins, and transcription factors located deep in the nucleus are now just as easy to measure as cytosolic or surface proteins! Milo eliminates the need to fix and permeabilize cells so you can save time and hassle. Plus, Milo is an open platform that uses conventional Western antibodies so you won’t have to struggle to find high-quality flow-validated antibodies against all of your protein targets again!

Simplify Cell Signaling Analysis


  • Eliminate fixation & permeabilization

  • Use Western-validated antibodies

  • Detect intranuclear & complexed targets


ProteinSimple Milo Instrument for single cell simple western


Want to learn more about Milo?


Watch the video and see how Milo can automate 1,000 single cell separations in just 4 hours.

Download our application note to learn how Milo was used by a group at Albert Einstein College of Medicine to streamline flow cytometry experiments by eliminating fixation & permeabilization steps to measure PU.1, a transcription factor that is challenging to measure with flow cytometry. The Single-Cell Western data is then compared to flow cytometry.

Learn how Milo can solve common flow cytometry and FACS workflow challenges.