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Stuck in the Matrix? Escape Matrix Effects in Complex Samples With Simple Western

Application Notes

Application Notes Summary

Escape Matrix Effects in Complex Samples with Simple Western

Get Real Tissue Biodistribution Results Without Matrix Effects

Simple Western™ assays allow biopharma groups to develop and validate quantitative assays to support preclinical and clinical studies and upstream and downstream bioprocessing workflows. Simple Western provides analytical precision and reproducibility in complex samples like tissue homogenates.

This Application Note demonstrates that analysis of protein biomarker eNOS in human brain whole tissue lysate with Simple Western is less susceptible to matrix effects than a leading commercial eNOS ELISA kit. Unlike the ELISA kit, Simple Western is fully automated following sample preparation and plate loading and provides other assay advantages like low sample requirements and no liquid waste. With size separation, Simple Western can detect protein isoforms and off-target antibody cross-reactivity, which is undetectable by ELISA, skewing results.

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