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5 results for "her2" in Products

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5 results for "her2" in Products

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Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 49 different RTK antibodies

Detection of Human Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Phosphorylation in KATO-III Cell Line.

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 84 different cancer-related antibodies

Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 39 different RTK antibodies

The Mouse Phospho-RTK Array detects multiple tyrosine phosphorylated receptors in untreated and ligand-treated cell lysates.

Contains 4 membranes - 2 spotted in duplicate with 62 different non-hematopoietic antibodies and 2 spotted in duplicate with 57 common antibodies

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 49 different antibodies to ubiquitin target proteins

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