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DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Inhibitors Products

48 results for "DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Inhibitors" in Products

DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Inhibitors Products

48 results for "DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis Inhibitors" in Products

Protein synthesis inhibitor

DNA cross-linking antitumor agent

Nucleoside analog; inhibits DNA replication

Inhibitor of RNA polymerase II

Inhibitor of protein synthesis

Inhibits RNA polymerase

Antibiotic; inhibits protein, DNA and RNA synthesis in gram-positive bacteria

DNA synthesis inhibitor

Thymidylate synthetase inhibitor

DNA cross-linking antitumor agent

Antibiotic; inhibits protein synthesis in gram-positive bacteria

RNA synthesis inhibitor

Inhibitor of protein synthesis; antileukemic agent

mRNA splicing inhibitor; antitumor

DNA polymerase α, δ and ε inhibitor

Inhibits RNAPII-mediated transcription; antitumor, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive

Inhibitor of DNA and RNA polymerase

RNA binding protein Lin28 inhibitor; promotes mESC differentiation; also bromodomain inhibitor

Blocks eIF4E activity; antiviral guanosine analog

DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor

Antibiotic; inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis

DNA cross-linking antitumor agent

Antibiotic; inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis

JNK, SAPK and p38 activator

Purine analog; inhibits DNA synthesis

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