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ARF GTPase Inhibitors Products

Arf GTPases regulate vesicle trafficking, budding and tethering, and cytoskeleton organization. It is a family that includes Class I, II and III Arfs, and related GTPases. Aberrant activity and expression of specific family members has been linked to cancer progression and tumor invasion and proliferation.

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4 results for "ARF GTPase Inhibitors" in Products

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ARF GTPase Inhibitors Products

Arf GTPases regulate vesicle trafficking, budding and tethering, and cytoskeleton organization. It is a family that includes Class I, II and III Arfs, and related GTPases. Aberrant activity and expression of specific family members has been linked to cancer progression and tumor invasion and proliferation.

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4 results for "ARF GTPase Inhibitors" in Products

Selective ARF6 inhibitor

Potent, selective and reversible inhibitor of GBF1 ArfGEF

ARFGAP1 inhibitor; modulates Wnt/β-catenin signaling

Sec7-specific GEF inhibitor; selective for cytohesin family

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